360 Elevation Tours provide a lined tour. The benifits of this type of tour is that it is simplistic in nature and provides a tour without a great deal of distortion. With this type of tour you can choose between a variety of leneses such as 50mm and capture with a Full-Frame camera for truly Hi-Res Panos. The Full-Frame camera, RAW files is also great for low light detail such as twilight and night photography. Once captured in this way partial pano can be used for context. Typically requested for line tours, case study by developers as to see placement of terraces and other factors in deveolpment planning . Secondly, Future Veiw Case Study for marketing and showing the actual view before the building is built!
Please click on images to view full tour
360 Spherical Elevations have become extremely popular these days due to the fact of the latest tech over the last several years. We have been providing this type of imaging long before it became popular due to the fact we were able to capture in this way without the latest tech. These provide a great view all around to see the lay of land and the area directly around the center point. Another feature that makes them also popular is uploading a jpeg file of the full 360 Spherical for publishing or hosting. **Please note this improtant point! We use the RAW files, not an auto jpeg to process, stitch and host the tours providing greater detail, flexabilty in post with greater dynamic range for twilight captures.
180 Elevation Tours typically are requested after construction of a building has already started to show the views ASAP and used for Context Captures. This becomes a more expensive process to capture due to the fact more panos have to be taken and typically requires close proximity to the building in current construction or constructed phase.
Context Captures
Context Imaging / Backplate / Background captured consisting of vertical and horizontal panos in order to produce proper specs for rendering. Processed by the RAW Files to produce the best image possible especially for twilight and night captures.